When: Saturday, Jul 13, 2019, 10:00am - 4:00pm

Council 4 AFSCME (lower level meeting room)
444 East Main St.
New Britain, CT 06051

Join us for hands-on training with experts from our AFSCME International and Council 4.

Subject matter will include an overview and application of the AFSCME Financial Standards Code.

All signatories on Local Union accounts are encouraged to attend. We also welcome, and suggest attendance of, Local Union Trustees.

There is no charge for this training. Lunch will be provided. Be sure to bring a calculator.

Registration deadline is July 3, 2019.

Scroll down to download the event flyer.

Please e-mail or fax to mbaran@council4.org or dtrifone@council4.org. Fax is 860-224-3041.

Questions? Please contact Marge Baran or Diane Trifone at (860) 224-4000.